Set Design


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Set Design-The Internationalist

by Anne Washburn
Directed by Ken Rus Schmoll
Produced by 13P at Culture Project, NY City plus Fairfield Theatre Company, CT 2004

with Gibson Frazier, James Urbaniak, Mark Rosenthal, Kristen Kosmas, Heidi Schreck, Mark Shanahan, Michael Stumm, Travis York

“An American goes to a foreign country. He gets off the plane and a beautiful woman is waiting there for him and he thinks he's fallen into one of those great American movies where you go places and people are exotic and there is romance and challenge and your sense of what is possible is expanded and you gain experience and wisdom and it's really fun and it makes a great memory, afterwards, it makes you into someone, it is an experience that determines you: Lowell, man of the world, business trip, Business Class, gorgeous sudden affair, feats of corporate derring do in a remote office. He's exhausted, but it all seems to be going well. The next day he goes into the office and discovers that he isn't in that kind of movie at all, he's in a different one, one of those foreign ones, with no clear hero or moral, a movie in which experience does not necessarily redeem you. And, most importantly, no subtitles.”

Set – office furniture, bar and bar stools, light box containing cityscape; both theatres the sets used the theatre spaces

Sets: Sue Rees Lighting: Garin Marschall costume design: Jessica Gaffney Sound design: Matthew Given